General Certification Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Complete at least 12 credit hours
  • Take courses for academic credit and earn a minimum average GPA of 3.0
  • Students must apply and be accepted to the non-degree program before registering for classes that are part of the certificate
  • Coursework cannot be used to qualify for multiple certificates but can count towards the M.Eng in Digital Ag program

Required Courses

ABE 440: Applied Statistical Methods I, 4 credit hours
CPSC 444: Introduction to Spatial Analytics, 4 credit hours 

Pick One

CPSC 541 Regression Analysis, 5 credit hours
CPSC 542 Applied Statistical Methods II, 5 credit hours
CPSC 543 Applied Multivariate Statistics, 4 hours 

This certificate does not require the CS prerequisite like the M.Eng or other certificates. If a student opts to transfer into the M.Eng in Digital Agriculture program they will need to meet the CS prerequisite before being admitted to the M.Eng program.

Applied Statistics in Digital Ag

For more information contact:

Christina Tucker
Assistant Director of Programs
Christina Tucker